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Personalities and Homeschool


Four Class Package

Let's do this!!


We all want the skills to homeschool better, and we want them now. What if you’ve tried ALL THE THINGS and things still aren’t working out the way you pictured? We have found a secret key to making your homeschool--and your entire life--better! Learning about personalities will make homeschool much more enjoyable! How?



You will:

>> Feel good about homeschool again
>> Set healthy boundaries
>> Identify and do more of what you love about homeschool
>> Identify and do less of what you don’t enjoy
>> Find ways to communicate to others what you need
>> Make time for just you activities


Get a DISCOUNT when you purchase all the Classes together!


Your kids will:

>> Understand and value themselves
>> Feel understood and valued by you
>> Feel empowered to say yes to the right things and no to the wrong things
>> Enjoy learning the best way for them
>> Learn more because they are learning in an appropriate way for them



In addition to a Personalities and Homeschool class, we will dive deep into 




Four Tendencies


All three of these major personality profiles have profoundly changed the way we, Angela and Maren, look at ourselves, our kids, our spouses, and our homeschool. We want  to pass this insight on to you, so we created these four classes. 


We’ve spent more than 20 years exploring personalities and using these very tools to build homeschool experiences we LOVE. No two people are exactly alike--so why try to homeschool exactly like anyone else? 


Discover and embrace your unique strengths so you can


Get out of the comparison trap. 
Walk away--guilt-free!--from what doesn’t work for you.
Confidently create a sustainable and ENJOYABLE homeschool experience unlike anyone else’s.


Personalities and Homeschool

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