I used to go through seasons when I didn’t feel like anything was going right in our homeschool. I was trying so hard (definitely too hard) to be Charlotte Mason-y, Maria Montessori-ish, unschool-like, or classical. I never did any of these effectively. Why? Because it wasn’t me!
What was my style? I would say I was a strong believer in the better late than never approach. This meant, for us, we would not be pushing academics if it didn’t feel right to us. I firmly believed in interest-led learning. This meant we would be investigating bugs, reading lots of fantasy, and singing every word of Hamilton for days.
It also meant we would try rock climbing and archery and camping. We would have afternoon quiet time (with screens) and tons of nature walks. Music would often be playing in the background, and we would change our plans at least twice a day. We would rarely sit at a table unless it was for painting or making slime.
We wondered about things all day long, and then we experimented. Our house was a mixture of messes. The cooking, the art, the blocks, the baking soda and vinegar.
Does this sound like your homeschool? Probably not exactly, because you’re not me! What is your flavor of homeschool?
Do you have Musical Mondays?
Are you traveling for soccer league?
Are you an RV family?
Do you love the classics?
Rock your strengths! It’s what makes you all feel invested and in love with homeschooling. If you’ve ever had those seasons of not feeling like you’re doing anything right, maybe it’s because you're trying to do homeschool like someone else. You haven’t tapped into your own secret powers. What’s your mix of favorites that makes you jump out of bed everyday and get excited that today is another day to do the things you love, together?
